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In Valencia, there are approximately 3000 taxi licenses. Taxi vehicles are white and display the license number, the shield of the Generalitat Valenciana, and the corresponding Area (Área de Valencia) on the rear side doors. The license number should also be visible on the back of the taxi. Inside the taxi, the driver must display, in a visible place, the identification card, the authorized number of seats, license number, vehicle registration, and the current year’s fare chart. All taxis in Valencia must have a complaint book. All vehicles and drivers from Taxi Valencia (MyTransfer) comply with legal regulations.

All journeys within the service area of Taxi Valencia must be carried out using the taxi meter. Currently, there are two rates for the entire area. Rate 1 is used from Monday to Friday during daylight hours, and Rate 2 is used from Monday to Friday during nighttime, weekends 24h, and holidays 24h.

The rates are determined by the Consellería de Infraestrusturas, Territorio y Medio Ambiente (formerly Consellería de Infraestructura y Transporte). Although I have provided a link to the Consellería’s website (out of courtesy), it is not worth visiting, as the rates on the Consellería’s website are not up-to-date. This highlights the little or no concern our politicians have for the taxi sector.

All journeys within the service area of Taxi Valencia must be carried out using the taxi meter. Currently, there are two rates for the entire area. Rate 1 is used from Monday to Friday during daylight hours, and Rate 2 is used from Monday to Friday during nighttime, weekends 24h, and holidays 24h.

The rates are determined by the Consellería de Infraestructuras, Territorio y Medio Ambiente (formerly Consellería de Infraestructura y Transporte). Although I have provided a link to the Consellería’s website (out of courtesy), it is not worth visiting, as the rates on the Consellería’s website are not up-to-date. This highlights the little or no concern our politicians have for the taxi sector.